Monday, August 10, 2009

ayurvedic medicine for viral attack(H1N1)

WORRIED ABOUT VIRUS? want to prevent virus(H1N1) attack

It is impossible, to keep ourselves away when someone near and dear to usinfected by chicken pox (or) H1N1 (or) measles (or) dengu like.

To prevent viral attack - in indian ayurvedic medicine - suggests

  • Grind 1 tea spoon of black pepper and 1 tea spoon of fenugreek into powder.
  • Early morning and evening, take 1 tea spoon of mixed powder in the mouth and drink 1 cup of butter milk.
  • Black pepper and fenugreek are both antiviral and toxin removers. take this health tonic for 7 days.
  • Regular medicine takers can take their medicine after two hours of taking this tonic.

For H1N1 virus, add star anise (a type of spice) frequently in your food. Tamiflu, the medicine for swine flu is extracted from star anise.